:: Narg Champa ::

... because Narg backwards is "Gran".
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:: Friday, December 28, 2007 ::

:: Another Year Over (almost) ::

Shamefully, it's been at least 8 months since I've posted anything of substance on any sort of blog. While I'm not totally responsible (thanks, blogger, for totally screwing up my old blog) I should have found the time to get this back up and running sooner. I had the best of intentions (as many of the first few posts on this blog show) but they didn't really go anywhere.

So... let's fix it!

Generally I repost that end of the year meme where you go through each month and copy the first line from the first post from each month, but clearly, since I went so long without posting regularly that wont work. Oh well, I'll do the first couple months just for fun.

here goes:

Title: The Perils of a Career in Archaology...
(link) "Archaeologist tired of unearthing unspeakable evil" (c/o the Onion)

Title: I Have A Cast!!!!!!!

Title: Look everyone, an update! (for serious.)
"Alright, so I am currently lurking in the back of Uncommon Grounds, waiting around to hear from Erina so that I can pick up the HART reading from her."

Title: Innit though!
"So..... room draw has begun, and I hate it as usual."

There ends the last of the real posts... but I think that these four moths are pretty accurate.


In the months since I have...
(mostly in chronological order)
-helped a wonderful cast put on a wonderful play
-started dating a beautiful (and amazing in nearly every way) woman :-D
-finished my junior year
-spent part of my summer working at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival in DC
-smoked with a chinese shaman from the Yunan province, a dude from Kent, a native american medicine womand and other at said festival
- become a vegetarian
- spent about 5 weeks in mexico for the summer... where I had multiple encounters with scorpions (!)
- started my senior year
-helped curate an exhibition on the BMC collections' Books of Hours
-rekindled an old(ish) friendship with one of my first friends at BMC
-had a lovely thanksgiving with said friend
-co-coordinated SPT
-become the president of Lavender's Blue (my a cappella group)
-started applying for grad schools
- gotten things organized for my thesis (!)
- gone "home" (not really) to mexico where I'll be stuck for a month (ho hum).

That's a lot for 8 months of time!

I know I should write more but in the mean time I'm gonna repost a fun music meme (probably x-posted to my lj as well.. but comment here if you can, so that I know that people know this is up and running!)

Step 1: Get your playlist together, put it on random, and play.
Step 2: Pick your favorite lines from the first 25 songs that play.
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song the lines come from.
Step 4: Cross out the songs when someone guesses correctly! No cheating and pasting the lyrics into a search engine!

1. "Say it, say it, say it-- tell it like it is."

2. "My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all."

3. "Take these broken wings and learn to fly."

4. "I want to change the world... instead I sleep."

5. "Kiss away the ones who say the lust you feel is wrong" OR "how bad could it be if you amuse yourself with me."

6. "I feel good in a special way... I'm in love and it's a sunny day."

7. "If this is our last goodbye, I would love to see you cry."

8. "Close your eyes and I'll kiss you, tomorrow I'll miss you."

9. "From your first cigarette to your last dying day!"

10. "There are times when I catch in the silence the sigh of a faraway song."

11. "It's so easy for a girl like you to lie... tell me why, tell me why."

12. "And you may ask yourself, where is that large automobile!?"

13. "What do you see when you turn out the light?... I can't tell you, but I know it's mine."

14. "The mind that knows itself is a mind that knows much more (carry us away from here)"

15. "Someday when I'm lonely, wishing you weren't so far away, then I will remember..."

16. " You might not ever get rich, but let me tell ya it's better than digging a ditch!"

17. "I want the world to know.. I want to let it show!"

18. " When you're on a golden sea you don't need no memory... just a place to call your own as we drift into the zone."

19. "Even on summer days she'd complain that she couldn't take the ch-ch-chill out of her bones."

20. "Can't stop (Can't stop) Can't stop the beat!"

21. "It's a luscious mix of words and tricks that let us be when we know we should fold."

22. "I'm so happy, that you love me-- life is lovely, when you're near me"

23. "For a lonely soul, you're having such a nice time."

24. "We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot, drink up me hearties, yo ho!

25. "I can't wait to fall in love with you... you can't wait to fall in love wtih me"


:: find earth and reap :: 6:58 PM :: [+] :: | ::


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