:: Narg Champa ::

... because Narg backwards is "Gran".
:: welcome to Narg Champa :: IM me | email me | Narg 2001-2007 | Bristol Blog | Pictures ::

[Recent Books]
House of Sand and Fog
'Salems Lot
The Poisonwood Bible
Currently Reading: Between the Bridge and the River

[What Am I Listening To]


I feel The current mood of narg at www.imood.com
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:: Saturday, January 5, 2008 ::

:: Good ol' Dennis ;) ::

92% Mike Gravel
92% Dennis Kucinich
77% Chris Dodd
76% John Edwards
74% Hillary Clinton
74% Barack Obama
72% Joe Biden
67% Bill Richardson
38% Rudy Giuliani
33% Ron Paul
28% John McCain
19% Mike Huckabee
19% Mitt Romney
18% Tom Tancredo
9% Fred Thompson

2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz

:: find earth and reap :: 5:18 PM :: [+] :: | ::


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