:: Wednesday, September 10, 2008 ::
:: Bitten By the Bug ::
Oh man.
I have been positively neglectful when it comes to the keeping up of this blogs. What ever happened to the good ol' days when I had all of this simply spewing out of me all the time. Not only that, it was (often if not always) funny and perhaps even eloquent. No, those days are clearly gone, gone, gone.
What a shame (except for the part where it's mostly a good thing that I am not longer constantly in a state of angst, of course.)
However, that being said I appear to have been bitten by the blog bug recently. I can only imagine that it has something to do with my imminently approaching journey back to the Island (aka England) and all of the accompanying ... well, angst. I did enjoy keeping the blog up and running while in Bristol, and I should be having even more adventures this time around. Thus I think the time has come to consider re-entering the realm of bloggerhood-- it sure is a lot more densely populated than before!-- and start something up to chronicle the next 3(+) years. Now all i have to figure out is whether or not I want to go for the convenience and easy-accessibility of Live Journal or my tried-and-true blogger. Who am I kidding? LiveJournal may get a few extra points for FriendsLists but let's face it, I hate almost everything else about that place-- always have, always will. That's right folks, I may be a blogging snob, but so help me I'm a blogging snob with cred.
Anyway, perhaps I shall keep this going as well as a repository for anything and everything I might not want the elder members of the Lancaster clan reading (i.e. the gay).
... On the other hand the internet is probably as good a place as any to come out to one's extended family-- certainly better than Thanksgiving which would probably be my other option, if I could ever manage being in CA for the holiday, that is.
We shall see.Labels: angst, blog neglect, imminent travel, lj, new blogs, the gay
:: find earth and reap :: 11:42 AM :: [+] :: | ::